Wednesday, February 24, 2010


OK, my husband works with someone who is taking full advantage of this financial crisis. He stashed away enough cash, and is now buying real estate around the country - in trashy places like Myrtle Beach, Las Vegas, etc., and he proudly reports his new acquisitions to his co-workers. Each time I feel disgusted. I question again why it is we live here, I ask myself if we have anything in common with the people we are surrounded by.

Let us put it this way. If I had money to spare, I would be buying some serious art and travel the world. If I felt the urge to take advantage of the depressed housing markets, I would buy an apartment in Paris and visit it a few times a year. I don't think you could pay me enough to make me vacation on Myrtle Beach and own property in the fake paradise of Las Vegas. Just like I find hamburgers - that epitome of the American culinary art - only marginally edible so to speak - if you have no other choice and you are starving, they will do.

Why is it that I don't have money to spare? Because unlike that person, I do not vacation in a trailer with my family. Because I do travel the world. Because we spend serious money for our children's education while that person sings kudos to a mediocre public school where he sent his kids. Why on earth does he feel that people would admire and envy his business acumen? Because I suppose, most people actually do. As I know now, Americans worship nothing more that the Almighty Green Buck.

I feel like I am surrounded by aliens.

1 comment:

  1. oh but you can't generalize, there are all different types of hamburgers =)

    you should be happy for your business saavy friend,i am sure he is happy for you and all the gorgeous vacations u take...
