Saturday, February 27, 2010

CIA Planning Acts of Terrorism Against American People - a Historical Precedent

Have you heard about Operation Northwoods? I have not until today. Yet, the top secret documents about this Operation were declassified in 1997. This was an operation developed by the US government in 1962, and it called for the CIA to stage acts of terrorism against the US citizens, including hijackings and bombings which could be blamed on the Castro regime with the goal of justifying a US war against the communist Cuba. A detailed account of it can be found in the Internet, including the National Security Archive. To read the Wikipedia summary of this plan, click here. This plan was not signed into action by President Kennedy, but to know that the plan was harbored by our very own government is still shocking.

I have previously given references to a thought provoking movie Zeitgeist available through YouTube which provides evidence that the 9/11 terrorist attacks could PHYSICALLY not have happened as described to us. Now, it turns out there are over 1,000 (one thousand) architects and engineers from around the world are "a new, truly independent investigation of the facts regarding the events of Sept. 11, 2001, saying that the conclusions drawn by the 911 Commission reek of cover-up, are not at all supported by the facts."

See, the laws of physics do not allow sky scrapers to fold like this from an impact to its top floors. Firefighters heard multiple instances of explosions, which were recorded by dozens of witnesses, etc, etc. All of this contradicts the official version of events.

Besides, if our own government is documented to have staged terrorist actions to provoke a war with Cuba, why is it so far fetched to suggest that they could also stage the events of 9/11 to provoke a war in the Middle East? Especially since the explanations they offer to the gullible public about how the terrorist attacks were planned out and executed defy laws of physics and common sense.

An excellent analysis of all this can be found in the most recent post by Paul Craigs Roberts.

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