Through a series of interviews, we all know that Sarah Palin doesn't read and is sadly uninformed. Now we also know that her husband can't write. Just a small example. Here is a quote of it from MSNBC:
"When Sarah Palin complained that the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner wrote a critical editorial after she did them the favor of meeting with the editorial board, Todd Palin advised the press chief to "take the news miner off the press release address list for a few days, see how long it takes them to realize their not on the list."
I just love this "THEIR." The type of a mistake that his spell checker would sadly miss... Did Todd Palin go beyond 3rd grade at school, I wonder? OF COURSE, that would not be necessary to be the dog sled champion, let alone to father 5 kids, so that would not disqualify him in the least from being Sarah Palin's husband. I was just curious, that is all. What an endearing love story theirs is! She can't read, he can't write, yet they live happily ever after and even attemp to rule America. Oh-h-h-h!
Unfortunately, USA is full of people at all levels of education and power who don't know or don't care about the difference between "their", "they're" and "there". I have seen those mistakes made by business owners, college professors and literacy teachers. It speaks to the overall educational deficit in this country.